In a world of quick fixes and instant gratification, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the pressure to do more. But if you take the time to slow down and be more intentional and selective with where and how you spend your time and energy, you’ll find that less can actually lead to more success. This guide will help entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, HR professionals – anyone in a leadership position – learn how to lead as they would like to be followed in order to reap the rewards of high performance, loyalty, credibility and goal-achievement.


The Power of Intentional Leadership

The first step is understanding the power of intentional leadership. It starts with being honest about what you want out of life and why. From there, it’s about making sure that your actions align with those values and goals. By doing this, you create an environment where people feel respected, supported, and heard; one which encourages positivity and collaboration instead of competition or fear-based tactics. Intentional leadership also means setting boundaries for yourself – knowing when it’s time to step away from work or turn off your phone so that you can focus on self-care or spend quality time with family and friends.


The Benefits Of Intentional Leadership

Leading as you would like to be followed has many positive benefits for both employees and employers alike. For employers, it leads to higher levels of employee engagement which translates into higher productivity levels; employees who are engaged are more likely to stay longer at the company. This type of leadership also leads to improved customer service because employees are motivated by a clear vision from their leader rather than feeling discouraged by unclear expectations or micromanagement tactics. It also helps foster creativity since team members have space to think outside the box instead of having every decision approved by their leader before taking any action towards completing a task. Finally, intentional leadership helps build trust between leaders and team members since communication is open and clear rather than confusing or shrouded in secrecy.


Leading as you would like to be followed requires time investment but the rewards make it well worth the effort! Through intentional leadership, business owners can experience increased loyalty from their team members while reaping the benefits of improved performance levels, greater creativity in problem solving solutions & fostering relationships based on trust & respect. All in all, leading as we would like others to follow encourages us all to slow down & savor life’s moments & opportunities on our journey towards living our best lives!


The next best version of you starts with one commitment, one conversation, one choice at a time. Join Christine Monaghan and the RESET Collective today and gain access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals committed to transforming their lives. With expert coaching, personalized resources, and weekly live sessions, you’ll have everything you need to achieve your goals. Be included in our community, connect with us online!