Our Approacha societal shift to stress is optional

Your growth approach starts with questioning established attachments and beliefs that stress is normal which has been drilled into us for eons.. Who influenced these attachments? What is the societal norm and do you really resonate with this worn-out thinking? With a refreshed understanding that you are driving your own bus so to speak, you make the commitment to create a stress is optional approach. The next best version of you emerges; replacing worn-out habits; saying no to culturally ingrained fear narratives; resolving time-worry and negative what if’s. Our approach is slow down to move ahead – we even wrote a book on it!

Our Philosophylead as you would like to follow

Less is more. In a world where more is promoted as better and instant gratification is the expectation, I am suggesting you focus on doing less way better to experience more of the right stuff! More money-time freedom, more joy, more optimum health and strength, more choices for expansion, more space to be versus do, for fulfilment, more often than not. It’s about re-programing yourself to slow down to move ahead, by being more intentional and selective in how, where and who receives your energy and time. As a business owner, leading as you would like to follow garners loyalty, high performance and brilliance resulting in positive change in the highest good of all. Then, you witness cumulative, daily successes, solid credibility options and, continuous goal-achievement. The RESET approach involves utilizing all challenges. big and small to innovate and source fresh possibilities.


set again ] anew

My perspective on the significance in a RESET approach is this. RESET is your choice to set again, anew in any moment, hour, day, month, year. How wonderfully liberating and empowering to leads ones’ day knowing  you can RESET in each conversation, commitment or choice. It provides you the space to grow into the next best version of you.

What’s more liberating than knowing at any given moment you have the choice to RESET – to set again? It begins with your thoughts around what is unfolding.

In the moment of awareness of not feeling and living an optimum experience, you can; engage in a conversation differently; establish a commitment to focus forward; make a positive choice, in support of what you do want and how you do want to feel.

Quantum leaps transpire through internal and external practices which reflect your unique values, approach and philosophy – one conversation, one commitment, one choice, at a time.

“I would definitely not be where i am today (& that is on top of the mountain) without the help and no-nonsense mentoring from Christine. I recommend her services and spiritual/marketing smart-sense to any of you (professionals or entrepreneurs) who want to reach your highest potential in business. She is not only a great guide, but also an inspirational advisor..and she let’s you do the work. Believe me, this is GOOD, because in the end, you completely own it!”

Susan Oubari - 1:1 Coaching, Breathe in Paris Owner, Past Vogue Executive

“I gained so much from Christine’s coaching and mentorship. Her Reset MasterPlan process was so effective in helping me bring perspective to my corporate job that had become so unbalanced for me. I had struggled with setting boundaries, working 60 or more hours a week and not living the life I wanted. She is honest to the core and I appreciate that she held me accountable to my goals.”

Wendy S. - Reset Masterplan/Accountability, Former Director Payroll (50,000 pp)

“Christine was able to clear the logjam that had frustrated me for literally years and get me on a path to defining and achieving my passion. Christine’s simple, but effective lessons changed the bad habits of 50 years and finally got me truly working on my business, not in it.”

Ray Murrel - 1:1 Coaching, CEO, Dominic Systems

“Christine is a no nonsense coach who can help you to rise from the ashes. Within minutes she had me regrouped, refocused, the anxiety has gone away and had the tools to get the job done. Chris really “shows up” for her clients by getting to the problem and creating immediate solutions. I went to her when I was ready to quit. She pulled me out from the dark hole I was in and got me back on track. Within one month I had surpassed my financial goals and had a record breaking month after 5 years of being in business! Thank you Chris for being an angel guiding me back to the light!”

Dee-Anne Riendeau - 1:1 Coaching, Founder, Your Holistic Earth

“Christine’s “3 C’s of Communication” workshop gave our team a new set of tools to up-level communications and increase sales results. Our sales team left the webinar feeling inspired and capable of approaching conversations, commitments and choices in a whole new way.”

Alison Scholefield - 3 C's of Communication, Okanagan Crush Pad Winery

“After working with me one-on-one for months to help me break through old habits and work towards a ‘stress is optional’ approach, Christine led our Communications and Marketing team through the ‘3 Cs of Communications’ workshop. I was amazed at how quickly and thoroughly we were able to embrace the learnings and implement positive changes. Christine challenged us, inspired us, and armed us with structure to propel ourselves as a high performance team. Before we even left our conference room after the integration session, our team was diving into significant conversations, choices, and commitments. Now we have a plan, and we have a new level of accountability to ourselves and to each other.”

Dana Harvey - Virtual Workshop + 1:1 Coaching, Communications Director

“After attending Christine’s Stress Solutions virtual workshop through the CPHR, my name was drawn for a complimentary stress solutions consultation. Although stress is part of everyday life, under Christine’s guidance, I was able to flush out the root cause of my stress. I would recommend a session with Christine as I am now more aware of my stressors and am able to more proactively manage my stress.”

Diane Copperthwaite - Manager H.R, Port Prince Rupert, Communications Director

“Christine’s virtual workshops were chock full of information and tools to use for goal setting and goal achieving, there was a lot of information to takeaway and work on. It was most helpful to me to think about being the person that I want to be based on my goals and ensure the things I spend time and effort on are in alignment with this. The workshop moved at a pace, there are lots of challenging questions and ideas, it was a good use of my time and my $$ as I came away with tools and lots to think about.”

Catherine A, H.R Manager - Virtual Workshop, H.R Manager, Financial Industr

“I came to know of Christine Monaghan through BC CPHR’s professional development opportunities. The session I attended was the The 3C’s of Communication; 10 Solutions-Based Tools. I attended this webinar with no expectations, thinking it would be your typical communication workshop. I was really surprised by the content of the material. It was not what I expected.
Christine raises the awareness that how we communicate is how we manage our time, and our stress. In today’s world, we think stress is the norm. Christine emphasizes that stress is optional and provides tools on how we communicate and how we commit to our communications.
It was such an invigorating webinar that I introduced Christine to my workplace and she presented two webinars so far. I never thought I would be one to work with an accountability and career coach, but I have now signed up with Christine and am going through a self-discovery process which is both challenging and exciting at the same time. I can’t wait to see the end results!”

Dawn Ng, Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, HR Manager

What if Sunday becomes your non-negotiable play, rest, RESET day?

Start your Sunday with our 7-Day RESET Planner