Achieving Greatness through Self-Reflection for Growth from Christine Monaghan

Personal greatness is something that many of us strive for, but can be difficult to experience and
achieve if we’re not clear we’re aiming for or how to get there. Fortunately, self-reflection and
growth are powerful practices to brainstorm goals, overcome obstacles, and achieve personal
success, greatness.

Here are 5 key practices to help you on your journey.

1. Allow Yourself to Evolve

As long as you are breathing, you are evolving. Making time to identify what’s worked, what
hasn’t and what you want to create for yourself next is super important. I like to think of this as
integration time – to truly acknowledge who you have grown into becoming every 3-6 months.
This means reflecting on your values, strengths, weaknesses, and yes, goals! You can’t focus
on where you are going if you don’t assess where you are. Celebrate the growth and make
commitment for the future.

2. A,B,C Goals

A goals are ones you can set and achieve without any change to your life – you know you go
this. B goals requires a change in at least one area of your life. C goals are the game-changer
that require changes in what, why and how in most of your life areas. Do yourself a favor and
set 1 ‘C’ goal and 2 ‘B’ goals and watch your life transform. It takes just a much energy to work
on an A vs C goal. The difference is one depletes you (A) and one energizes you (C).Go for it!

3. Get Comfortable Getting Uncomfortable

No growth happens in being ‘too comfortable’ for too long. Personal growth and success require
change, and that can be scary. But embracing change is essential if you want to grow and
achieve your goals. Be open to 1 new experience weekly (coffee new spot) ideas, and
perspectives, and be willing to step outside your comfort zone to try new things.

4. All Setbacks Are Possibilities in the Making

Make a commitment that you will view every real and perceived Setbacks as a possibility in the
making. Find the learning and decide how to grow. Instead of seeing setbacks as roadblocks,
see them as opportunities to reflect, learn, and improve. Those who succeed have a common
trait of taking every stumble and creating a possibility from it, period.

5. Cultivate the Habit of Focus

Focus is a cultivate habit. Many ‘creatives’ believe focus is not for them. Focus allows you to do
less better. Achieving personal success requires focus and motivation. Your motivation is to
remind yourself of what you desire to achieve. Accountability partners and rewards are terrific
motivators. And stay focused on your goals, even when things get tough.

Achieving personal success through self-reflection and growth is a powerful process that can
help you clarify your goals, overcome obstacles, and achieve your full potential. By
incorporating these tips and strategies, you can create a roadmap for success and live the life
you’ve always dreamed of. So take the time to reflect, set clear goals, embrace change, learn
from setbacks, and stay focused and motivated. The results will be worth it.


The next best version of you starts with one commitment, one conversation, one choice at a time. Join Christine Monaghan and the RESET Collective today and gain access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals committed to transforming their lives. With expert coaching, personalized resources, and weekly live sessions, you’ll have everything you need to achieve your goals. Be included in our community, connect with us online!