Establish a Referral-Revenue Model


No one tells you when you go into business for yourself that revenue-generation is your responsibility and the key differentiator between those who stand the test of time and those who don’t. Revenue-generation can be creative and innovative. However, most endure unnecessary resistance and super negative stories toward the process. There’s plenty of noise in the world. Your job is to convey what you uniquely offer in the most simplistic terms for solving a problem that a niche group of individuals require help with. Your job is to make sure others understand what you offer so they can refer others to you. How can others refer clients to you IF they don’t know how to explain what you offer?

It begins with you getting super clear and succinct with what you offer, why, and to whom. Pick a lane and 100% own it with complete trust. Work that lane until it is established. It may not always be easy but it creates ease which allows for growth, innovation and freedom. The ideal client will then align with it. Doing less better increases client fulfillment which creates a referral-based business model.


Phase I

Co-create a revenue promotion sheet

This is my signature program. I’ve helped 1000+ clients co-create their own uniquely branded 1-page promotion sheet. Most double their revenue results within 3-6 months. It works!

  • Co-create 1-page promotion sheet utilizing a template and specific process to profile your unique offerings
  • Four (4) exercises to get clear on innovating what you offer, why, to whom
  • Action items between calls; email me to co-create content
  • Reverse-engineer 6-month revenue goal – reflected in revenue stream(s) creation
  • Promotion sheet professionally designed by our graphic designer; a professional polished look
  • 5 x 30-minute co-creation calls
  • 2 x 15-minute accountability integration solution calls

Phase II

Implement Revenue Generation System

No one tells you when you start your business that you need to know how to create sales! You may not always be the one doing the sales piece but you need to know how. I’ve helped individuals and sales teams to utilize my proven, simplistic system. It removes complexity; addresses resistance and barriers; provides a no frills approach to establish your referral-based revenue model. The 1-Page Promotion sheet becomes your referral tool so you get and stay clear on what you are going to say, period.

Create your revenue generation system

  • 2 x 30-minute calls to set-up your templates
  • 6 x 15-minute accountability solution calls for results
  • Surface and resolve #1 resistance
  • Create referral collaborations

Proven Successful Templates

  • Revenue-generating prospecting template
  • ‘How to’ referral introduction script; verbal, email, platforms
  • Monthly, weekly prospecting formula; consistent results
  • Prospecting guide; leads, qualified, renewal prospects
  • Set up a 3-6 month revenue cashflow (exercise)
  • ‘How to’ Collaboration Referral guide

Referral-Based Collaborations

Create a circle of influence for referrals

Leverage existing client fulfillment with renewal offerings, referral appreciations

  • Utilize ‘how to’ Collaboration Referral guide
  • Get clear on what networking you need to do; less is more!

Accountability (noun):

quality/state of being accountable; especially: obligation, willingness to accept responsibility; account for one’s actions.